Juliano; A Love Letter…


Dear Juliano,

We need to talk.

You’ve left us and we’re not quite sure how to feel.

There’s a void in your place.

An empty space begging to be filled with your tomatillo salsa and sriracha mayo.

“Juliano’s Dahl” no longer has the same ring.

There’s a silence in the kitchen.

False echoes of your cursing and “yeah but nah but yeahs” hang heavy in the air.

Your patient presence lurks by the food labels, temperature records and dishwasher, begging us, “no knives in the sink.”

The coffee machine yearns for your touch.

The banana bread misses your gentle fold.

Customers ask for their second favourite Australian.

And we are left wondering,

When will you return?

Your’s in waiting,

The boys.

*Julian worked as Chef for our first two years and was instrumental in shaping the delicious menu and recipes that exist in foam today. As well as being a killer chef, he’s been a great friend. He recently departed back to his home in Australia. See ya soon mate.


ARTist: Hands For Feet

